Today I tried spicy cauliflower wings with vegan ranch for the first time, made by my mom, and man, this truly is awesome♥️
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Learn about Bulgaria
Age 21
A village in Bulgaria
Joined on 10/15/15
Posted by Ivanbg2003 - November 23rd, 2024
Today I tried spicy cauliflower wings with vegan ranch for the first time, made by my mom, and man, this truly is awesome♥️
Posted by Ivanbg2003 - November 9th, 2024
This makes a lot of sense. I mean, corgis are just a staple farm animal, and their legs are delicious, but German shepherds? Who in their right freaking mind would eat such a friendly friend? How dare some sick in the head people eat some sentient breed of dogs instead of the sentient breed of dogs, which we decided don't matter for some reason?
Posted by Ivanbg2003 - October 24th, 2024
So Super Mario Bros. on the NES was actually the first video game I ever played when I was a little kid, but something happened to the console or something. I do not remember what happened, but anyway, months ago while we were clearing around the house, I found this, and, well, let's just say, I didn't expect the disk to still be somewhere in the house after all these years.
Posted by Ivanbg2003 - August 15th, 2024
and now we are back in the village, which reminds me that I don't like the village and wish I could somehow move out of it.
Posted by Ivanbg2003 - July 13th, 2024
One thing that makes Newgrounds superior to DeviantArt is that it better fulfills its purpose. Instead of seeing a lot of dumb drama, shitposts, and zero-effort memes consisting of pictures and drawings taken from cartoons or anime that the person posting had zero involvement in the making of, you will mostly see people actually posting things they made.
Posted by Ivanbg2003 - June 3rd, 2024
I like being naked when I am alone in my room and in the house, but it is illegal to be naked in public, and family members forbid me to be naked around others. I still do not fully understand why someone would care if someone else is naked or not. It is how we were born, the human body in its 100% natural form, and it is harmless. If simply seeing someone naked doesn't hurt anyone or do any harm, then why is it illegal? What exactly makes it so wrong? The most damage it'll do is that it will make people mildly uncomfortable, but as it becomes more commonplace, that discomfort will go away entirely. As nudity is harmless, it doesn't make sense for it to be restricted so much. In some places, public smoking is allowed. Where I live, there is a shop with seats and tables near it, and sometimes the people there smoke. But did you know that when you smoke, you not only harm your health, but the fume that comes out of your smoking is bad and dangerous for the people around you? Yet that is allowed, but public nudity is not. How is that logical?
So where did the shame of nudity come from? A lot of people have probably just been taught it, and it is one of those things people just accept without thinking about it and never think about how weird it is.
Human beings don’t naturally feel ashamed of being naked. Shame about nudity is purely learned, not innate. People who are not taught to feel shame about nudity aren’t ashamed of nudity.
We’re born not caring if anyone sees us naked, and we don’t care if other people around us are naked. The reason humans started wearing clothes is because of cold times, but what about when it's summer and it's heating outside? Many tribes still live naked in many countries across the globe and are relaxed about nudity. Are they embarrassed? No.